Ben Yau Man Poon
一直喜愛藝術,在專注發展陶瓷以前,曾嘗試不同藝術媒介,如繪畫、油畫。但 第一次接觸陶瓷後便從此愛上了,2004年於香港藝術學院 完成陶瓷及油畫的藝 術文憑,,同年獲得香港藝術學院頒發最佳作品獎。2007 年於 RMIT 大學完成藝 術課程,主修陶藝,自此一直以陶瓷作為主要的創作媒介。 曾參加的展覽包括:澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學,藝術學士畢業聯展 2008、“磚 牆”,慶祝瑪利諾修院學校(小學部)60週年紀念(2007), 九龍塘;“戲物”,香港藝 術中心,白管子藝廊,香港藝術中心 2007;“獨一有異” 聯展, 二樓原作
I started painting and drawing first before concreted on ceramic.When I first touch in clay, it’s like I put my step on a one way road. Among other forms of arts that I have involved, I love ceramics the most. I graduated with a Diploma in fine art (double major in painting & ceramics), Hong Kong Art school in 2004. And I got “the Best Artwork Award (ceramics)”, Diploma in fine arts, Hong Kong Art School in 2004. I graduated with a B.A. degree from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University in 2007, majoring in Ceramic.
By the way, I have involved in a number of group exhibitions such as “Bachelor of Fine Art Graduation Show 2008” (Pao’s Gallery, Hong Kong Art Center), “Prison Art Explore”, (2007)
Exhibition 1 – The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, Hong Kong.
Exhibition 2 - Artist Commune, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong
“Bricks Art”, to celebrated 60 th anniversary of Mary knoll Convent School (Primary Section) Kowloon tong 2007, “Xi-Wu(Play-Thing)”, White Tube, The Hong Kong Arts Center, Hong Kong, 2007 and “ Variances in Singular” Joint Exhibition, Too Art gallery, Art centre in 2007.