Terence Lee Tze Leung
Founding Member
SPACE 、香港教育學院等陶藝課程。自九零年代開始研究及收集
Terence Li was born in Hong Kong. In 1983, he graduated from
the California Institute of Technology with a major in ceramics. In
1984, he returned to Hong Kong to set up a ceramic painting
studio. He has taught ceramics courses such as the Chinese
University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong SPACE,
and the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Since the 1990s, he has
studied and collected the porcelain fragments of Tang and Song
Dynasties, experience the feeling of the ancient artificial ceramic.
Use the ancient thoughts as the present concept, his works focus on beauty, practicality and impression. Li Yiliang's works are
collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the Hong Kong
Heritage Museum, the Beijing Museum of History in China, and
collectors from around the world.