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Winus Lee Yee Mei 李綺薇
2004 年畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學(香港分校)藝術系學士。其作
品曾連續兩屆入選香港藝術雙年展(2003,2005)。2013 年更憑其作品
Secondary school visual arts teacher, partner of Peng Chau "Kai Kee Porcelain", ceramic artist.
In 2004, Winus graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Hong Kong) Art Department. Her work has been selected for the Hong Kong Art Biennale (2003, 2005) for two
consecutive years. In 2013, she won the third place in the Tea Ware By Hong Kong Potter competition with her work "Bird".
Winus’s ceramic works have been exhibited in Paris, Milan, Japan and Australia. Her works are collected by the Hong Kong Museum of Art and a number of private individual.
Winus Lee: About Us
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