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Yiu Chun Wa 姚俊樺
Member since 2019
姚俊樺畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學與香港藝術學院合辦之藝術文學士學位課程,主修陶藝。 曾獲香港藝術學院高級文憑畢業展最佳作品獎。於2016年舉辦首個個人陶藝展《少年與山》。曾參與多個本地及國際聯展,如2013年香港當代陶藝協會二十周年展覽《1+1》、KOHLER Bold Art 2017藝術巡迴展覽、典亞藝博2018等。
Yiu Chun Wa completed the Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) programme (major in ceramics) offered jointly by RMIT University Australia and Hong Kong Art School. 0Yiu won the Best Works Award from the Hong Kong Art School’s Higher Diploma Graduation Exhibition. In 2016, Yiu held his first solo exhibition "Lad & Mountain". Afterwards, he participated in several local and international exhibitions including the Contemporary Ceramic Society (HK) 20th Anniversary Exhibition “1+1”, the KOHLER Bold Art 2017 Exhibition and the Fine Art Asia 2018.
Yiu Chun Wa: About Us
Yiu Chun Wa: Gallery
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