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Wu Wing Yee


胡詠儀生於香港,1990 年獲美國加州美術學院藝術榮譽學士,1992 年獲香港頒發市政局藝術雙年奬,1993 年獲尤德基金海外留 學獎學金,往美國紐約修讀美術行政及教育,1995 年獲美國哥倫比亞大學碩士,回港後致力推動藝術教育,並全職創作,2000 年 獲廣東美術館頒發中國當代青年陶藝家金獎,自 1986 年開始舉辦多個個展及參與香港及海外重要聯展,作品為香港及海外藝術 館及私人收藏。

Wing was born in Hong Kong, China. She was educated in Hong Kong, China and the United States. Returning to Hong Kong from the United States in 1996, she engaged in full-time creative work, founding her own ceramics workshop as well as teaching ceramics in museums and art centers around Hong Kong and China. Wing began to exhibit her work since 1988, and held exhibitions presented by art museums and galleries in Hong Kong, China, Japan, lceland, Canada and United States. Her sculptures are in the collections of various museums and private collections worldwide.

Wu Wing Yee: About Us
Wu Wing Yee: Gallery
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